Friday, August 28, 2020

The Role Of Chiang Kai

Worker arranging, enrolling, choosing, staffing and employing is frequently a troublesome, opportune and costly errand for any association wishing to make due in today’s economy. All together for any association to be fruitful they should draw in and enlist the most gifted workers that fit the way of life of the association. The representatives make up an association, so to be effective they should have an exacting key procedure set up to enroll the perfect individuals for their association. We will compose a custom paper test on Key Process for Recruiting Employees or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now There are numerous systems that associations use to enroll workers which incorporate, the pipeline approach, intensity, business marking, sourcing, decent variety and innovation to give some examples. (ere. net, 2008, 4) At Patton â€Fuller Community Hospital a considerable lot of these systems are utilized viably by their Human Resource division. The pipeline approach is a procedure that is by all accounts one of the most significant selecting techniques on the grounds that the methodology constructs a constant flow of candidates, and takes into consideration resumes and applications to come in, and figure everything out into specialized topics that might be required not far off. It is significant for associations to get ready for a need that may create over the long haul. It is likewise critical to take note of that in each industry there lies a contender. Associations must observe what the contender is doing consistently with regards to enlistment systems. This methodology is one that could be embraced by Patton-Fuller Community Hospital on account of losing a worker; it is consistently a smart thought to have back-ups that might be accessible or enlisted from the opposition. Business marking is critical in the enrolling procedure for any association, particularly in the clinical field. The workers are pulled in to a hospital’s outer picture just like an innovator in the human services calling. Potential representatives need to put stock in where they work, and emergency clinics and different associations can accomplish this by painting this outside picture of what the association is tied in with, drawing in numerous skilled candidates. Sourcing is a basic ecruitment technique for Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. â€Å"If you don’t use sources that draw in a high level of top entertainers, it is far-fetched you will make a quality recruit. † (ere. net, 2008, 8) Patton-Fuller depends upon their top-performing employees’ referrals, and enrollment specialists that can screen possible candidates to guarantee that they don’t end up with a feeble recruit. Assorted variety is getting critical in all businesses, yet particularly in the emergency clinic setting. By employing various individuals, the requirements of the assorted patients that come into the medical clinic can be treated by an assorted gathering of people with various abilities for various positions. Assorted variety for Patton-Fuller will take into account this medical clinic to succeed, so it is significant that they think about this for each recruit. Innovation is the key for some, emergency clinics wishing to get by in today’s economy. With new innovations on the ascent Patton-Fuller can keep on promoting their requirements on the web, which will spare the organization time and cash by speeding up and improve screening. In the clinical field it is critical to have the most skilled, committed group of experts on staff to think about the requirements of patients. The representatives must be trusted by the patients, yet in addition the staff. So as to guarantee that the first rate representatives are picked, Patten-Fuller Community Hospital should keep on utilizing the enrolling techniques that they presently use and attempt others as the eventual fate of innovation is continually evolving. Step by step instructions to refer to Strategic Process for Recruiting Employees, Essay models

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bach bazi in Afghanistan Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bach bazi in Afghanistan - Movie Review Example With no earlier history of the man, the family to the little youngster acknowledges him to go (Bacha Bazi). It is accepted that the custom began long time from Pakistani when the Afghanistan had been attacked by the superpower at that point, Russia. In view of weariness, the custom for men moving for men started (Bacha Bazi). In proceeding with the narrative, it is apparent that the individuals who enjoy Bacha Bazi are youthful and old rich and influential men. A portion of these men carry on with a twofold life and may have spouses and youngsters to conceal their opposite side (Bacha Bazi). Moreover, it is clear that Bacha Bazi includes a young men party, a spot where these youthful enlisted young men would proceed to move for the rich. After the occasion, it was upon the rich to choose what they did to the youngsters (Bacha Bazi). More often than not, they would wind up sodomizing them. The youngsters would be baited into the business because of monetary benefit and guarantees of cheerful life simply like the rich, just to find later that they were to joy them to get the cash. It is an extremely miserable scene when underage young men between 10 to 18 years get enrolled for this business. Essentially, an individual is constantly sent to the towns looking for delightful young men from the families who are needing the cash (Bacha Bazi). The young men are then taken and go to live with one of the coordinators of Bacha Bazi. In the organization of the Bacha Bazi coordinators, the young men are relied upon to realize how to move and sing inside their first year of enrollment. They would take in this expressions from past young men who had been selected and had been in the business for quite a while (Bacha Bazi). The young men would be given everything in the yard of the rich, however consequently, are required to be prepared to joy rich men during parties. As the narrative proceeds, it is obvious what truly plans in search parties as one of the Bacha Bazi men uncovers what hosted occurred in another gathering (Bacha Bazi).

Friday, August 21, 2020

Bonus Issue Announcement Free Essays

string(51) issues declarations in the Australian Companies. The term extra methods an additional profit paid to investors in a business entity from surplus benefits. At the point when an organization has gathered a huge store out of benefits †much past its needs, the executives may choose to convey a piece of it among the investors as reward. Reward can be paid either in real money or as offers. We will compose a custom paper test on Reward Issue Announcement or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Money reward is paid by the organization when it has huge amassed benefits just as money to pay dividend.Many a period, an organization isn't in a situation to pay reward in real money notwithstanding adequate benefits in view of unacceptable money position or in light of its antagonistic impacts on the working capital of the organization. In such a position, the organization pays a reward to its investors as offers; a free offer in this way gave is known as a little something extra offer. A reward share is a free portion of stock given to current/existing investors in an organization, in light of the quantity of offers that the investor as of now possesses at the hour of declaration of the bonus.While the issue of extra offers expands the all out number of offers gave and claimed, it doesn't build the estimation of the organization. In spite of the fact that the complete number of gave shares expands, the proportion of number of offers held by every investor stays consistent. An issue of extra offers is alluded to as a little something extra issue. Contingent on the sacred reports of the organization, just certain classes of offers might be qualified for extra issues, or might be qualified for extra issues in inclination to different classes.Bonus share is free offer in fixed proportion to the investors. for exp. . dependence ind. ltd. issue reward share in 1:1 proportion and Rs. 13. 00 as profit/share Sometimes an organization will change the quantity of offers in issue by promoting its hold. At the end of the day, it can change over the privilege of the investors on the grounds that every individual will hold indistinguishable extent of the remarkable offers from previously. Fundamental explanation behind issuance is the cost of the current offer has gotten cumbersome. Advantages of reward issue * Conservation of Cash.The issue shares permits the organization to proclaim a profit without spending the money that might be utilized to fund the productive speculation openings inside the organization and in this manner organization can keep up its liquidity position. * Under Financial Difficulty and Contractual Restrictions. At the point when an organization faces severe money trouble and isn't in a situation to appropriate profit in real money, or where certain limitations to deliver profit in real money are put under advance understanding, the best way to fulfill the investors or to keep up the certainty of the investors is the issue of extra offers. * Remedy for Under-Capitalization.In the condition of under-capitalization, the pace of partitioned is especially high. So as to drop down the pace of profit, the organization gave extra offers as opposed to delivering profit in real money. * Widening the Share Market. In the event that the market estimation of a company’s share is extremely high, it may not speak to little speculators. By giving extra offers, the pace of profit is dropped down and subsequently share cost in the market is likewise brought down to an ideal scope of movement and in this way exchanging action would increment in the offer market. Presently little financial specialists may get a chance to put their assets in low estimated shares. Efficient Issue of Securities. The expense of issue of extra offers is the base in light of the fact that no guaranteeing commission, business and so forth. is to be paid on this kind of issue. Existing investors are assigned extra offers in relation to their current property. Stock costs generally speaking acclimate to new data. In a productive market, this change is immediate and exact. Occasion studies to test showcase. Effectiveness, in this manner, analyze the speed of alteration of stock costs to the arrival of new, pertinent data to financial specialists. One such ‘event’ is the declaration of extra issues by organizations. While bookkeepers see extra issues as unadulterated accounting passages which leave complete values and all out resources unaltered and consequently have no genuine financial essentialness, for speculators, in any case, extra issues lead to an upward modification in their assumptions about future profit and profits. For the most part, along these lines, an upward float in stock costs is related with such declarations. On the off chance that business sectors are proficient, and no learning slacks exist, the alteration in stock costs would be speedy. Writing REVIEW The connection between reward issue and offer costs has been the subject of much exact conversation inside the fund literature.Empirical inquire about have indicated that the market for the most part responds emphatically to the declaration of a reward issue (see for instance, US †Foster ;amp; Vickrey (1978), Woolridge (1983), Grinblatt et al (1984), and McNichols ;amp; Dravid (1990); Canada †Masse et al (1997); NZ -Anderson et al (2001); Sweden †Lijleblom (1989)). The theory that has gotten most grounded help in clarifying the positive market response to reward issue declarations is the flagging speculation, which recommends that ‘the declaration of a reward issue passes on new data to the market in occasions where administrators have unbalanced information’.This speculation has gotten practically unequivocal help with hardly any special cases (for instance, Papaioannou, Travlos and Tsangarakis (2000)2). Having a worldwide look it is discovered that stock profit declarations in Greece are completely foreseen by the market and don't contain any new data; in this manner, they have small flagging advantage. Nonetheless, a Canadian report Masse et al. (1997), uncovered researching the effect of stock profit declarations on the estimation of firms recorded on the Toronto Stock Exchange, discovered critical and positive irregular returns around the declaration date.Ganga and Gunuratne (2009) in regard to CSE (Colombo stock Exchange) proposed that the market reacts altogether on bonusâ issues with an enormous value thankfulness on the declaration day itself. Positive assessments start well preceding the occasion and proceed up to about further 6 market days making both factually and monetarily noteworthy exchange openings According to an examination directed by Balachandran Balasingham ;amp; Tanner Sally (2001) inspected the value response to extra issues declarations in the Australian Com panies. You read Reward Issue Announcement in class PapersThey inferred that Bonus issue declarations prompted measurably noteworthy positive value response around declaration dates for uncontaminated and debased occasions. Though Miller and Modigliani (1961) exhibited hypothetically that the extra issues, alongside different kinds of profits, don't modify shareholder’s riches. Sloan (1987) if Australian proof that extra issues don't influence shareholder’s wealth.Ball, Brown and Finn (1977) researched stock value response around the declarations of ‘stock capitalization changes’ (reward stock issues, stock parts and rights issues) in Australia for the period somewhere in the range of 1960 and 1969 utilizing month to month information. They discovered 20. 2% unusual returns for 13 months up to end including the long stretch of reward issue declarations. Adaoglu,C. also, Lasfer,M. A. (2008), inspected (Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)) advertise valuation of reward issue which are for the most part financed by the revaluations of advantages value saves in an inflationary financial setting.They found a positive abundance return on the declaration day for these extra issues like the market response to stock profits Studies have been completed as of late to test the declaration impact of reward issue in the Indian securities exchange. Ramachandran (1985) analyzed blended proof for semi-solid structure effectiveness of Indian securities exchange. Obaidullah (1992) and Rao (1994) discovered positive securities exchange response to value extra declarations. Cultivate and Vickrey (1978), Grinblatt (1984), McNichols and Dravid (1990), Lijleblom (1989), looked into in their examination that the market responds decidedly to the declaration of reward issue.In an examination done by Dhar Satyajit and Chhaochharia Sweta on Indian Stock Market ,they saw that Bonus issues are cons idered as restorative occasions. Strikingly, they found that extra issues brings about sharp spike on the declaration date. Asim Mishra (2003) found a positive aggregate unusual return around the reward issue declaration Fama et al. (1969) completed his examination on connection of declaration impact to stock split and stock profit and presumed that two kinds of occasions are related with positive securities exchange effect.Since then different investigations have done in a similar zone. As indicated by Lakonishoke ;amp; Lev (1987), a stock split and a stock profit change the stock cost to an increasingly ideal exchanging range in this way builds the interest for stock, driving a positive stock cost impact. Forjan and McCorry (1995) contended for the expansion showcase liquidity. Number of investors additionally increments after a stock split (Dolly, 1933, Barker, 1956, and Lamoureuxs and Poon, 1987). Different investigations have additionally bolstered ideal exchanging range (Johanson, 1966, Mcnocholas and Dravid, 1990, Mayers and Barkay, 1956). Market producers are progressively dynamic in elevating the stock prompting a positive financial exchange impact (Angel, 1977; and Shultz, 2000). Ross (1977) ;amp; Leyland and Pyle (1977) inspected that troughs utilize the money related choices with respect to stock split and stock profit to pass on private data about the present estimation of the firm. Brennan and Copeland (1988), Brennan and Hughes (1991) study says that, the assertions of extra issues pass on great private data about the future income to the investors.Rao and Geetha (1996) researched that one couldn't bring in overabundance cash in

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Foolproof Popular Scholarship Essay Topics Strategy

The Foolproof Popular Scholarship Essay Topics Strategy Using Popular Scholarship Essay Topics Keep in mind this essay should resonate to your own beliefs and attitudes toward different troubles. Just take the opportunity to brainstorm possible essay topics, and make sure you're ready to answer all them. The essay is a 3 part contest on the subject of peaceful civic action and global peacemaking. Illustration essays may also be very tricky whenever there's a demand for an example because sometimes student forget the idea of the example and compose some contradictory statements in the long run. If you relate to any of the above mentioned scenarios, then you will certainly locate the article useful. This informative article will be showing you five of the things which you should think about when writing a scholarship letter. So you don't actually wish to obtain a topic! The Popular Scholarship Essay Topics Cover Up A wonderful scholarship essay assists the scholarship provider understand the actual person supporting the application and may be the secret to winning the award (assuming you satisfy the other scholarship criteria). You must make a bright and intriguing work to impress the admission committee if you wish to win a scholarship. There are a lot of annual academic competitions that provide scholarship money as prizes. If you're intent on applying for scholarships, it is a good idea to begin practicing writing scholarship essays beforehand. There are lots of things which you can do to boost your odds of obtaining a scholarship and writing a scholarship essay is just one of it. Prove your worth there are plenty of applicants that are hoping to have a scholarship. Explain your commitments, and you are going to be the sort of student colleges find immensely attractive. There are scholarships where you are able to present your competence and interest in current events and societal problems that are highly discussed. The Ugly Secret of Popular Scholarship Essay Topics The procedure to get a college scholarship will aid with the evolution of skills that will help you for your whole life. If you plan far enough ahead, you're going to be in a position to get lots of feedback from your family members, friends, and teachers, too. It's evident that most students find it difficult to submit absolutely free error sample essay for financial need scholarship since mostly they give plagiarized content only because they copy the s pecific information found on the web. In all universities within this world, since the component of academic curriculum, students will need to write custom made assignments. Hence, it's advised that you opt for any one of the preceding illustration essay example then it is sure to allow you to fetch great grades for yourself. Some might also find it challenging to tackle these assignments since they may lack the info necessary to supply the scholarship essay in time. Needless to say, selecting an excellent topic for your upcoming paper is crucial here. Her answer shouldn't be an ideal scholarship essay questions report. To start with, you should keep in mind that a research paper is an official paper. It might be quite beneficial to acquire excellent and fresh tips for your paper. Among the common scholarship essay tipsis you want to brainstorm all the potential topics for your essay on the part of paper. Key Pieces of Popular Scholarship Essay Topics While you cannot predict every essay question, knowing some of the most typical ones may give you an advantage on applications. For instance, the author addresses the manner that American history classes don't typically address about the Vietnam War, although it happened just a limited time ago. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you find yourself getting a great grade. It is better that your own personal hero be someone which you've known personally and has had a terrific effect on your life. Developing a scholarship paper is a challenging job. A scholarship essayis part of ascholarship application. It is possibl e to also learn the way to best follow the essential scholarship essay Scholarship Application Essay Example. Learn more concerning the Mobility Disability Scholarship. Making certain your essay has no single error is a significant appeal to your sponsor. It might be useful if you need to find out more about submitting an application for a scholarship. There are many different varieties of scholarships that may be applied for. Describe an outstanding scholarship application. A well-written essay may be the most persuasive portion of a scholarship program, and that's why much time and attention needs to be put into its preparation. In the procedure for completing your work in time, our writers won't overlook anything that may influence the standard or leave our something that boosts your chances. While you don't need to be a writing expert, you will need to write from the heart to receive your message across. Make sure that you have plenty of time for brainstorming ideas for developing a paper. The career theme is really self-explanatory. Colleges are obtainable for curious folks, that are different concerning the key around them. They are not looking for perfect people. Learn more on the subject of the Build U. Scholarship.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on The Character of Caliban in Shakespeares Tempest

Caliban is one of the primary antagonists in William Shakespeares play The Tempest. It is impossible to understand the Tempest without first understanding the character of Caliban. Through the exploration of the character of Caliban the reader gains an understanding of his importance within the play and that he is simply not just black and white, there is also a great deal of grey. It is the characters ambiguity that enables him to be human inside although appearing bestial on the outside. Caliban is a great example of a character being much more than one dimensional, almost to the point of being nearly a real person. While there is a great emphasis on the pure and the good, everyone has within them a darker side. Which is that†¦show more content†¦Either way, his presence and basic character must be understood if we are to understand that of Prospero. Caliban is the only character to whom Prospero is deliberately, and often unnecessarily antagonistic. Therefore the question of whether Calibans wickedness is pure evil or mischief is necessary in the ultimate judgement of the play. If the character of Caliban is to be seen as a poor misguided soul, twisted into the creature that he has become, through cruelty shown to him by foreign invaders, then maybe he is not so evil after all. If this is the case, then his actions can be blamed on natural instinct and a tormented mind. In the second scene of Act one, Caliban attempts, with some success, to plead his case as the hard done by innocent. Upon their arrival on the island, he apparently treated them very well: ?...I loved thee, And showed thee all the qualities othisle, The fresh springs, brine pits, barren place and fertile 1:2:337 While Miranda and Prospero took him in as their own. This situation continued, while Miranda took pains to make him speak until Caliban attempted to violate the honour of Miranda. This could be seen as an act of pure instinct rather than malice: a wish to populate this isle with Calibans is natural. His lack of remorse however, is obvious. This act only served him in being shut in aShow MoreRelated The Character of Caliban in Shakespeares The Tempest Essay1786 Words   |  8 PagesThe Character of Caliban in The Tempest       This thing of darkness, I must acknowledge mine It is impossible to understand The Tempest without first understanding the character of Caliban. Despite numerous novels and poems praising the virtuous, the pure and the good, everyone has within them a darker side of depravity and evil thoughts. This makes us human. What distinguishes between good and bad people, though, is the way in which this alter ego manifests itself to both the rest of mankindRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Tempest1229 Words   |  5 Pagesplay, The Tempest. 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In Shakespea re’s The Tempest, the idea applies to Caliban, who servesRead More tempcolon Confronting Colonialism and Imperialism in Aime Cesaires A Tempest1403 Words   |  6 PagesColonialism in A Tempest   Ã‚  Ã‚   A Tempest by Aime Cesaire is an attempt to confront and rewrite the idea of colonialism as presented in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.   He is successful at this attempt by changing the point of view of the story.   Cesaire transforms the characters and transposes the scenes to reveal Shakespeare’s Prospero as the exploitative European power and Caliban and Ariel as the exploited natives.   Cesaire’s A Tempest is an effective response to Shakespeare’s The Tempest because heRead More Aime Cesaires A Tempest Clarifies Shakespeares The Tempest1683 Words   |  7 PagesCesaires A Tempest Clarifies Shakespeares The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚   Negritude, originally a literary and ideological movement of French-speaking black intellectuals, reflects an important and comprehensive reaction to the colonial situation of European colonization (Carlberg).   This movement, which influenced Africans as well as blacks around the world, specifically rejects the political, social, and moral domination of the West.  Ã‚   Leopold Senghor, Leon Damas, and Aime Cesaire are the three pioneersRead More Conflict and Harmony in The Tempest Essay1390 Words   |  6 PagesConflict and Harmony in The Tempest   Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare describes a utopic world saturated with supernatural images and ideas which works to create the mysterious island where The Tempest takes place.   This is one of Shakespeares best examples of how a natural harmony reveals itself through the actions of discourse and confusion.   To illustrate this idea best one must examine the historical context upon which The Tempest is based.   Because this play was published in the early 1600sRead MoreEssay on Quest for Power In The Tempest1208 Words   |  5 PagesQuest for Power In The Tempest      Ã‚   I suggest that engraved into humanitys essence is the intense desire for power. William Shakespeares play, The Tempest not only depicts this concept, but breaks it down for the reader; enabling effective analysis of this concept. Through notable characterization, Shakespeare is able to convey key concepts regarding the idea of power versus ambition. Specifically, the role that ambition and the moderation of ones ambition play in the effectiveness of controlRead MorePost Colonial Translations Of The Tempest : Colonial Society s Universal Mirror1672 Words   |  7 PagesTranslations of The Tempest: Colonial Society’s Universal Mirror Shakespeare’s The Tempest has been viewed through many different lenses, and each translation brings with it a new and differing understanding of Shakespeare’s complex original work. Two specific translations, Coetzee’s novel Disgrace and Cesaire’s play A Tempest, do an exemplary job at translating The Tempest, because both translations looked at a different aspect of the colonizer-colonized relationship. 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The play portrays the illusory struggle of power and conscience through the character of Prospero and his egocentric motives. Politically, the play can be seen as an analysis of important political issues relevant to that of oppression and imperialistic tendencies of the time. Artistically, The Tempest emphasizes the nature of art, more prominentlyRead MoreFred Wilcoxs Science Fiction Film, Forbidden Plane has a Resemblance to Shakespeares The Tempest727 Words   |  3 Pages1956 science fiction film by Fred Wilcox, Forbidden Planet closely resembles many other pieces of literature. The most obvious resemblance to Forbidden Planet is Shakespeares The Tempest. As expected, the characters and plot of Forbidden Planet closely mirror those characteristics of The Tempest, with the exception that where The Tempest engages magic, Forbidden Planet utilizes technology. What is more important, however, is that how the technology works is irrelevant for the purpose of the movie

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Journey Essay - 1080 Words

Connecting people with their heritage is very important, it gives people a sense of their true identity, exploring and learning about their culture and giving them some pride of where they come from. My parents started to plan this trip many months prior. Before going, my family and I had to get these antibiotic shots to protect us from any diseases at Nigeria. I remember getting multiple shots to my shoulder areas; couldnt feel my shoulders for days. My cousins and parents also arranged to take the same flight as they were planning to go to Nigeria as well. My dad wrote a letter to me and my sisters teacher explaining the reason for our absences from school as ware were going to miss almost 2 weeks of class. The day finally arrived On†¦show more content†¦Another downside was that in Nigeria for some reason the power goes out very frequently, so frequently that many buildings and houses had their own generators. in We stayed at a hotel for the night then the next morning v isited my dads home village first. My Grandfather from my fathers side was the head of the village so we got to stay in a big house but the house barely had any furniture and was very dusty since no one actually lived in there as my grandparents lived somewhere different. While I was there I met a lot of cousins I didnt even know I had as well as seeing some of my fathers relatives for the first time. We ate a lot of Farina or â€Å"fufu† which is pretty much the main dish of not just Nigeria but other African countries as well. Its white sticky starch that you take pieces of and dip it into the soup which is made out of various types of vegetables mixed with different spices cooked in the pot. You can choose to make the soup thick of more watery. We stayed in my dad’s home village for a couple of days then went to my grandparents house on my moms side. My moms home community was more similar to a suburban type area than a traditional village as there were better-struc tured homes. While I was at my grandparents house from my moms side, my moms siblings came over to visit as well. It was pretty cool that my grandparents had 2 sets of twins:Show MoreRelatedMy Life My Journey Essay3133 Words   |  13 Pageswere seen through a child’s eyes that has made me the person that I am today and I will always have those memory’s with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student. Its funny how as a child you look at things. As time passes, thoseRead More My Journey to College Essay1228 Words   |  5 PagesMy Journey to College I first came to the university during spring break of my junior year of high school. At the time I was just visiting the three main universities in Arizona so that I would be able to make an educated decision as to where I wanted to get my college education. There were many events showing me the way to this university and little did I know that these events would come upon me and that they would show me the doors to the place where I was truly meant to be. Read MoreMy Adoption Journey Essay1571 Words   |  7 Pages Adoption has been a blessing for my family. When I found out that my husband could not get me pregnant, I was devastated. The doctor had given us high hopes of being able to correct the medical problem. 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What I am able to remember is my first day of school, I cried like a baby when my mom dropped me off. I soon began to grow out of my baby stage and school became really interesting. Eve n though it was not as hard as it is now, the value that pushed me to be literate was how my teacherRead MoreMy Journey Back to School Essay876 Words   |  4 PagesRecently, I began a new journey in my life by making the decision to go back to school. I had chosen to begin my family after high school and had put my education on hold. However, my children are at the age now where they are not in need of my undivided attention. This decision has turned into an enormous learning experience and I have found it to be extremely demanding and yet incredibly exciting and stimulating. The objective of this paper is to provide you with a clearer understanding asRead MoreMy Journey to Literacy Essay examples947 Words   |  4 PagesMy first experience to literacy came as a young adult. I have always been reluctant with my education, because of the family problems I experienced growing up. The harsh treatment our family received growing up made it very difficult to study in school, my body was physically in class but my mind was not. The trials and tribulations I went through growing up as a kid continued throughout my teenage years. Dropping out of high school I believe brought upon literacy difficulty. At the age of twenty-threeRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Journey1636 Words   |  7 PagesMy journey the day I left my home country in search of a better life was not as pleasurable or exciting as I expected. Although it was not a long flight, the accumulation of unexpected vicissitudes during the trip made my dream of traveling an absolute nightmare. Not only my sadness to be leaving my family behind, the uncertainty to fly alone and for the first time, or my inexperience with the procedures at the airport contributed to this calamity, but even my neighbor on the plane added his bitRead MoreMy Journey Through Literacy Essay1340 Words   |  6 PagesMy Journey through Literacy I remember being read to ever since I was young in Spanish by my mother before entering grade school. Despite my mother’s language barrier, she never hesitated to take my siblings and I to the Houston public library in downtown twice a week. I remember catching more than two buses to our destination. Once inside the library, I would run towards the aisle that had collections of Disney books. I don’t think I knew how to read during that time, therefore, I would grab the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Picture of Stereotypes free essay sample

I remember sitting by myself, cross-legged on my floral patterned bedspread, surrounded by an array of different volumes of yearbooks that I had collected over my life. I would crack open the spine of each, to peer at the glossy polished pictures depicting everything I wanted to be- pretty, confident, and †¦white. In the July of 1995 I came to the United States, a squirming 5 month-old bundle of fat Asian baby, completely unaware that I had been given a new life, new identity, and a family. This realization was a taxing process and did not strike me with its full force until I reached middle school. I do not know if it was the overwhelming rush of teenage angst, or plethora of imbalanced hormones, but I remember becoming acutely aware that I was adopted- and not white. In class I would feel the stereotypical stares and hear the comments about how I should be good at math, and eat rice. I wanted to scream to my peers, â€Å"That’s not me! In fact, you probably have more knowledge of Asian cultures than me!† Yet, I never did. However, I did decide that if everyone only sees me Asian, then I would become the most stereotypical Asian girl that I could possibly be. Henceforth, during my first two years in high school I began to focus heavily on both math and science courses. I took accelerated science and skipped ahead into an honors math class a grade above me. However, I quickly realized that these subjects were not for me. Though I was quick to push these feelings out of my head and tried to persist down a more technical field- a more â€Å"Asian† field, or so I believed. In accordance with my heavy technical schedule I also took up band and joined the robotics team for a year. However, when it came down to the truth, deep down I did not enjoy anything that I was involved in other then my band class and my previously established community service clubs such as 4-H club and Key club. My grades began to suffer from my lack of interest in the subjects of my class and I began to become depressed by tr ying to fit into the mold that I had created for myself. I was confused. I was conflicted. The only things that I felt passion towards were my limited time in band and few community service clubs. Yet, those things were not classified as fitting the â€Å"Asian† mold though. In fact, these things would segregate me from my peers all over again. I would not be accepted by other Asian peers because I did not have the same cultural experiences as they did, and I would continued to be bullied back into this mold by everyone else. I felt as though I was living a life in which I did not fit into any role. However, as time begin to pass and my angst began to slowly lessen, I was struck with a startling realization. My peers that would bully me with their racial slurs, and stereotypical remarks did not define me. That when the bullies would tell me that I was a â€Å"fake Asian† or that I â€Å"needed to go back to where I came from,† they were all making me choose between two options- an Asian women or a Non-Asian women. And, realistically, I was not either. I was merely only me. A student that has passion for leadership and community engagement, an individual that feels an overwhelming sense of duty to give back to the world in any way she can. An unique women that had an overwhelming love for the humanities, writing, and social sciences. With newfound confidence in both my passions and myself, I entered my junior year of high school with a newfound zeal. I quickly adjusted my schedule to reflect my desired interests with a heavy focus on English classes and quickly took up leadership positions in band and 4-H. And, for the first time in my life, I found that I was exceeding all expectations, I quickly rose to the tops of my classes and turned my grades around- eventually leading to a 4.0 in my senior year classes. Likewise, I discovered that one must first decide what her passions are before she can truly succeed in school and life. That when passion and genuine interest are combined, a sense of self-worth develops very quickly afterwards, leading towards recognition in all fields (merit, professional world, and leadership opportunities). By the end of my high school career I had been given enormous opportunities, both in and outside of school. I had been given an elite role as a section leader in my marching band for two years, been voted a band council member and mentor, and founded and led a clarinet choir that placed 1st at a state competition. Likewise, I had devoted numerous hours to my 4-H group in both elected officer roles, community engagement at a food shelter, and was awarded the name of 4-H All Star as recognition for my dedication and work. Consequently, because of my newfound passion for the humanities in school, I was able to raise my G.P.A. up to graduate Magna Cum Laude and be accepted into Michigan State University’s Honor College. I had found my path in life and school. Though at first a struggle, I had overcome peer bullying, social expectations, and my worst enemy- my own personal identity crisis being an Asian adoptee. My path to success was never easy. I had to face many years of peer discrimination, though I have learned that social and personal molds need to be broken and people should not be confined to the stereotypes that exist in this world today. Thus, I have decided to devote my life to others that are feeling the confines of stereotypes or others expectations. This summer I will be doing a study abroad in Mali, working with dialogue reconciliation to help the people of the country rise up and defeat the stereotypes that have followed them because they are a third world country. Likewise, due to extra work and a heavy freshmen schedule; I have received enough credits to move to junior standing, my first year in college, where I know that I am one step closer to fulfilling my dream- becoming a human rights lawyer. I want to fight for those that are being bullied by the restrictions of an unjust world. To perhaps give children a chance to be adopted, like myself, so they too can follow thei r passions and exceed all stereotypes, restrictions, or people trying to hold them back. I no longer stare at my old yearbooks, wishing that I was someone else- pretty, confidant, and white. No. Now I know that there is no one better, more beautiful, more inspiring and passionate, more unique, or successful then being yourself. I am no longer a picture of stereotypes or of a confused adoptee. I am no longer a picture, no longer a flat one-dimension fake smile. I am a well-rounded, successful, passionate individual that now knows that nothing can stop her.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

KWAskinganAnalyticalQuestion Essays - Human Behavior,

Asking an Analytical Question An important step in writing academic essays is to ask a good analytical question, one that poses a challenging way to address the central text(s) you will write about. Establishing that question won't be your first step- you'll need to do some observing and annotating, and even some interpreting, as a way of developing the question itself. But focusing on what that question might be early in your analysis helps you approach your essay with something to explore, an idea to discover (that will inform your thesis) for both you and your readers. Think of the question as something you're truly interested in exploring as you read, an exploration you want to guide your reader through, since not everyone reading the text will come away with the same impressions and interpretations you do. (One of the truisms of writing: if you're not discovering something in the writing of your essay, your readers probably aren't either.) A good analytical question: (1) speaks to a genuine dilemma in the text. In other words, the question focuses on a real confusion, ambiguity or grey area of the text, about which readers will conceivably have different reactions, opinions, or interpretations. (2) yields an answer that is not obvious. In a question such as "Why did Hamlet leave Denmark?" there's nothing to explore; it's too specific and can be answered too easily. (3) suggests an answer complex enough to require a whole essay's worth of argument. If the question is too vague, it won't suggest a line of argument (e.g., "Why are there so many references to acting in the play?"). The question should elicit analysis and argument rather than summary or description. (4) can be answered by the text, rather than by generalizations or by copious external research (e.g., "Why did Shakespeare depict madness in the way that he did?"). Tips to keep in mind: . "How" and "why" questions generally require more analysis than "who/ what/when/where." . Good analytical questions can highlight patterns/connections, or contradictions/dilemmas/ problems. . Good analytical questions can also ask about some implications or consequences of your analysis. Thus the question should be answerable, given the available evidence, but not immediately, and not in the same way by all readers. Your thesis should give at least a provisional answer to the question, an answer that needs to be defended and developed. Your goal is to help readers understand why this question is worth answering, why this feature of the text is problematic, and to send them back to the text with a new perspective or a different focus.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

What Really Is The Best Headline Length

What Really Is The Best Headline Length How long should my headline be? Youve asked yourself this, and with good reason. In the content marketing world, a lot of  attention has been given to the headline of your blog post in recent years. Theres so much headline information out there, so many dos and donts, so many great tips that youre drowning in advice and you have no idea of what to actually do. You want a definitive answer in the form of a number or at least a firm set of guidelines. You dont want to hear  it depends. The truth is, it does depend. Sort of. It depends on what you want your headline to do. Do you know what you want from your headline? What Really Is The Best #Headline Length? #blogging via @JulieNeidlinger Write The Best  Headlines With A  Free Headline Analyzer The headline analyzer  will help you: Use headline types that get the most traction for social shares, traffic, and search engine ranking. Make sure you have the right word balance to write readable headlines that command attention. See the best  word and character length for search engines like Google and email subject lines, while also seeing  how your readers will scan your headlines. Try The Free Headline Analyzer Now How To Write The Best Headlines The Old School Way There are two schools of thought when it comes to headlines. Traditionally, headlines should be, according to Jakob Nielsen: Short, typically 5 words or less. People dont read very much online. Information-rich. The headline should summarize the article. Starts with keywords. People tend to scan, and read the first words most of all. Understandable, even out of context. Headlines often appear on their own, without articles. Especially in social media and search engine results. Predictable and match reader expectations. Dont frustrate your reader. They should get what they expect when they click. Nielsens shorter headlines arent the label variety. Label headlines are those which are short, but not terribly information rich. For example, a Nielsen headline might be Speeding Car Crashes Into Wall while an uninformative label-type headline might read Speeding Car. I Want My Headline To Perform Well On Social Media The second school of thought, however, is what we tend to see online now. And it seems to be  the exact opposite of what Nielsen says. A headline that performs well on social media is one that people share a lot, and click through a fair amount. But mostly share. The headline is often shared as much as the people sharing it will read. This is a unique situation in headline history. Instead of being helpful in the traditional sense (as described above), headlines are now meant to  invoke curiosity and capture clicks. Write #headlines to invoke curiosity and capture clicks. via @JulieNeidlingerThis is particularly important on social media, where news feeds are quickly cycling through, competition with other headlines is fierce, and you have to pull out all stops to get someone to notice. Long, rambling, and sometimes bordering on bizarre. Headlines now are often quite long and almost a story unto themselves. Though that is shifting somewhat from 2014 (the year of Upworthy-styled headlines), headlines still maintain a longer approach than Nielsen might recommend. Emotion-rich. What the article is about doesnt matter. Emotion does. Keywords are sparse. Few keywords, with more attention given to emotional subtexts. Not much context. Without the article, the headline is a worm on a hook and little more. Rely on shock/emotion/curiosity factor. Readers dont know what to expect, and thats why they click. How does that speeding car headline read for the social media age? How about 5 Reasons You Should Fear That Speeding Car. The social messages that accompany your blog posts wont necessarily be your headline. Youll probably customize them for repeated shares. But if you do rely on your blog post headline to be the body of the social message, then the ideal social message length will matter for your headlines. Buffers Kevan Lee has written a seriously comprehensive blog post about the ideal lengths of just about anything you could put online. Its packed with information on the length of just about everything, but check out what he discovered for the most popular social networks: Twitter: 71–100 characters Facebook: 40 characters Google+: 60 characters LinkedIn:  80–120 characters Depending upon which network you lean most heavily or get the most traction, you should consider making your headline fit the ideal length for that social  network. Within those character ranges, remember the importance of emotions in a headline that does well on social media. Emotional headlines, with specific trigger words, get shared more on social media. I Want My Headline To Do Well In Email Just like social media, you have the ability to customize your emails so that you rework how your headlines appear in the subject lines. But not everyone does. Sometimes the work you put into finding that perfect  headline can carry right on through to your email subject line. So how long should they be? MailChimp, the popular email provider, has stated that it doesnt really matter how long your subject lines are. Last year, we carried out our own tests on how our email subject lines fared. We found that an email subject line with around 50 characters fared the best. The conclusion? Find out what works for you by testing if you dont believe either MailChimp or our results. As you test your headlines in your email to determine what works, remember the difference between open rates and click-through rates. Open rates are not the same as click-through rates. An open rate is the percentage of total recipients that opened the email. In some email software, just by opening their inbox they open emails. The click-through rate is the percentage of those who opened and then clicked at least once. Aim for a high click-through rate as the basis of what a successful headline does, not just an open rate.

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Gettier Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Gettier Problem - Essay Example Gettier’s argument says that it is possible that a person believes in something that is justified as well as wrong at the same time. One flaw is that Gettier’s argument can lead us to cynicism because it is evident from our everyday lives that it is hardly the case when something is justified by satisfactory evidence that fulfills all philosophical rules of relevant evidence. Gettier wrote his 1963 paper refuting the ‘Justified true Belief’ JTB. If Gettier’s paper is considered true than JTB nullifies but the following example exposes cracks in Gettier’s paper. S knows that P if and only if; ïÆ'Ëœ S believes P ïÆ'Ëœ P is true ïÆ'Ëœ S is justified in believing P ïÆ'Ëœ And P causes S to believe in P This example excludes the example of Gettier. And doesn’t believe in something as a given fact, for instance if there is a group of people and one person out of the group happens to be Brazilian, the above example cannot give me the position to state that I know that someone out of this group is a Brazilian since this fact will not be my cause for knowing. In his paper, is justified true belief knowledge of 1963, Edmund Gettier raised a problem which he argued and viewed in the traditional knowledge theory. Many attempts by a number of epistemologists have failed, for example, Thomas Paxson and Keith Lehrer put across a theory, which utilized the defeasibility argument to attempt solving the Gettier problem (Lehrer and Paxon 225- 237). In my opinion, Gettier’s problems possibly cannot be beaten of defeated on the basis of principles because in order to understand these problems one has to consider the premise of these problems as true, as it will explained later in this paper that Gettier only plays with the justification and the truth. And it is evident that there is a very fine line between the justification and the truth. Moreover, there is always a certain level of truth to be accepted by a prudent person. For instance, if we all agree to the fact that a billiard ball is round, the question is, is it really round in shape? Students of physics might know that when things are observed at molecular levels, the shapes and boundaries of objects are very different from what they were previously considered. So a billiard ball might not be exactly round at a very fine microscopic or atomic level. Similarly if we Gettier’s problems are considered a law or considered sufficient enough to define knowledge th en the shape of the earth can be figured out by a bowling ball. For instance it is a common observation that a bowling ball is considered heavy and it is common sense that earth is holding all forests, water, land and mountains, and is also a very heavy object. Now the bowling ball is round in shape, therefore we can conclude that the earth is also round in shape. I believe that it satisfies Gettier’s problem but this is infect a terrible logic, there is no relevance between the two objects. If only such premises are considered then earth would be shaped like a washing machine because a washing machine is heavy too. One of the many objectives of epistemologists is to come up with a theory of knowledge that specifies the necessary conditions for knowledge. Traditionally, scientists have only agreed to three of these conditions, and they include p is true, s believes in p, and s has a justification to believe in p. according to the theories, if the theories satisfied the condit ions then one could say that s knows p. but then Gettier came along with his arguments. In his arguments, he proposed to counterarguments to the traditional conditions, where the theory

Saturday, February 8, 2020

A Voyage to America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Voyage to America - Essay Example The south had an agriculturally sustaining economy that made a majority of the profit off the growth and sale of cash crops. Some of the cash crops that were sold were tobacco, sugar, and cotton (cotton was the most profitable of all the crops). In order to fuel the massive agricultural economy, both unskilled labor as well as slaves was used in order to harvest the crops. As a result, I would be able to gain employment on a farm or plantation to work either in exchange for living conditions or for a portion of the crops that I can sell for profit. In addition, depending on the governor of the territory, land was given for Englishmen to develop in exchange for a percentage of the profit that was made from the sales of crops. Owning land means that I would have power, therefore by working for the crown, I would be gaining status through the owning of land, but also profit by the sale of cash crops. In addition, the religious tolerance in the south was more lenient than that of the North. The Puritans who followed a strict, non-semantic view of religion colonized the Northern colonies. Therefore, religious conformity was expected and religious tolerance was at a minimum. In addition, the south had citizens that were loyal to the crown. Thus, the system of government in the south was more traditional as well as represented one of the oldest ruling bodies in the thirteen colonies. The south represented the best alternative for those in England that were not wealthy and did not have the skills to be profitable in other parts of the new world. The sale of cash crops provided economic stability that would extend even past the original thirteen colonies all the way through the civil war. Unlike other portions of the colony, the south offered opportunities that were better due to the style of government and the cultural forces that were at

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Generational Welfare Essay Example for Free

Generational Welfare Essay Generational Welfare For most of America’s history, farmers, entrepreneurs or shop owners could live their entire lives without getting any assistance from the federal government except maybe mail. But those days are long gone. In 2012 the total number of Americans on government assistance or welfare reached 4,3000,000. Many of which are 4th or 5th generation Welfare recipients. For whatever the reason, we have become a culture of dependency in which poverty is a trap. Long-term recipients loose job skills, work habits as well as work contacts. For this reason the government should require recipients to work as much as they can. It could be called â€Å"workfare† and could help recipients increase potential long-term earnings. Generation poverty is defined as children of parents in poverty grow up to live in poverty themselves in a continuous cycle for at least two generations. All too often this is a result of a traumatic event-taking place such as a illness or divorce that alters the family structure Hard working, self-reliant men and women built this country, but these work ethics began to change during the great depression in the 1930’s. A federal welfare program was introduced, it granted monthly cash and food coupons to assist with basic living needs, it was established to assist those who were living below the poverty line. This system went virtually unchanged since 1930, and was due for a much-needed reform. In 1996 President Bill Clinton made great strides to give welfare a long overdue facelift. He gave the duties of welfare to the states by implementing the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. This act restricted aid to most legal residents. The bill had a 5year lifetime maximum for cash assistance and, required recipients to search for employment among other requirements. This welfare reform law was very successful. More than 60% percent of recipients were able to get off the welfare program. However, the core of this program was done away with in 2012 by the Obama administration. A directive was issued stating that TANF (Temporary assistance for needy Families) work requirements could be waived or over ridden by section 1115 waiver authority under the Social Security law. This has fueled an ongoing debate over whether welfare dependency in one generation causes welfare dependency in the next generation. Psychologist, Albert Bandura is considered the pioneer  behind the Social Learning Theory. This theory states that people learn from their so cial contexts and much of social behavior is learned through observing and practiced through modeling. This observational learning can occur in three ways: live modeling, symbolic learning and instruction. This explains the cycle of generational welfare among our nations poor. Last year the Wall Street Journal reported that 49% of the population of the United States lives in a household where at least one person receives some type of government assistance. The Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of Dependence on Government, tracks government spending, and the score is adjusted for federal programs that contribute to government assistance dependency. In 2010 the foundation reported that nearly 67.3 million Americans received Social Security, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, educational support for higher learning, or some other assistance that was once considered to be the responsibility of families, individuals, churches, and neighborhoods. A culture has developed within families in which welfare is reinforced and sometimes even encouraged by parents who are also receiving benefits and their children. Children also become more accepting of the idea of assistance because their parents are currently receiving welfare benefits. The goal of public policy should be reducing poverty, not just the reduction of caseloads. The plan that was implemented by former President Clinton did just that. Jobs have to be created and av ailable before we can reduce the number of persons receiving government assistance. More often than not, when jobs are created they are low-skill jobs and do not pay enough to meet employees basic needs which results in many quitting and going back on government aid. We need more programs set up to provide training in work skills or a trade so that citizens will be able to receive wages that will easily sustain their families and encourage them to become self sufficient and non dependent on government assistance. It gives great satisfaction for a person to know that they are completely self-sufficient and can provide their family with at least its basic needs. It gives a sense of purpose and builds self-confidence that you do not have when you have to rely on the government or another person for financial help. It requires decision, determination, and discipline. Some may argue that generational poverty is determined by poor health across generations and not by observation or modeling of ones parents. However the statistics  from the changes made during the Clinton administration, give proof that the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, that works and should be reinstated. Most citizens have a desire to be successful but just don’t have the skills or self-esteem they need to accomplish these goals. Sometimes it takes a little push to get them headed in the right direction and this program seems to do just that. It provided nearly any means of assistance for individuals to become job ready. It provided assistance with transportation problems; self-esteem issues like dental work or even haircuts. Individuals were coached in interview skills and good work ethics. Many classes were provided to help assist in lifestyle and finance management changes. Individuals were encouraged to further their education and were given assistance with college enrollment applications as well. All of the qualities that are needed to preform a job to the fullest of ones ability were provided to wean recipients off of welfare. We have to reach the core understanding of why some people get stuck in a cycle of generational poverty and work on the core problem if we want long-term results. In which individuals receive jobs, perform their duties to the best of their ability and take pride in being self-sufficient. When individuals are proud of their accomplishments and are confident that they will be able to provide for themselves and their family, then we will begin to see a decline in numbers of generational welfare recipients and will be able to witness our economy grow and flourish. Works Cited Axelrod, Norman. Chicago Tribune: Chicago Breaking News, Sports, Business, Entertainment, Weather and Traffic Chicago Tribune: Chicago Breaking News, Sports, Business, Entertainment, Weather and Traffic Chicago Tribune, 14 Aug. 2011. Web. 01 Aug. 2013. . Bowen, Barry D. 1996 Welfare Reform Facts. 1996 Welfare Reform Facts. N.p., 1996. Web. 01 Aug. 2013. . Gaiser, Elliot T. Obama Guts Welfare Reform. N.p., 8 May 2013. Web. McLeod, Saul. Bandura Social Learning Theory. Albert Bandura. Simply Psychology, 2011. Web. 01 Aug. 2013. . Generational Welfare For most of America’s history, farmers, entrepreneurs or shop owners could live their entire lives without getting any assistance from the federal government except maybe mail. But those days are long gone. In 2012 the total number of Americans on government assistance or welfare reached 4,3000,000. Many of which are 4th or 5th generation Welfare recipients. For whatever the reason, we have become a culture of dependency in which poverty is a trap. Long-term recipients loose job skills, work habits as well as work contacts. For this reason the government should require recipients to work as much as they can. It could be called â€Å"workfare† and could help recipients increase potential long-term earnings. Generation poverty is defined as children of parents in poverty grow up to live in poverty themselves in a continuous cycle for at least two generations. All too often this is a result of a traumatic event-taking place such as a illness or divorce that alters the fami ly structure Hard working, self-reliant men and women built this country, but these work ethics began to change during the great depression in the 1930’s. A federal welfare program was introduced, it granted monthly cash and food coupons to assist with basic living needs, it was established to assist those who were living below the poverty line. This system went virtually unchanged since 1930, and was due for a much-needed reform. In 1996 President Bill Clinton made great strides to give welfare a long overdue facelift. He gave the duties of welfare to the states by implementing the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. This act restricted aid to most legal residents. The bill had a 5year lifetime maximum for cash assistance and, required recipients to search for employment among other requirements. This welfare reform law was very successful. More than 60% percent of recipients were able to get off the welfare program. However, the core of this program was done away with in 2012 by the Obama administration. A directive was issued stating that TANF (Temporary assistance for needy Families) work requirements could be waived or over ridden by section 1115 waiver authority under the Social Security law. This has fueled an ongoing debate over whether welfare dependency in one generation causes welfare dependency in the next generation. Psychologist, Albert Bandura is considered the pioneer  behind the Social Learning Theory. This theory states that people learn from their social contexts and much of social behavior is learned through observing and practiced through modeling. This observational learning can occur in three ways: live modeling, symbolic learning and instruction. This explains the cycle of generational welfare among our nations poor. Last year the Wall Street Journal reported that 49% of the population of the United States lives in a household where at least one person receives some type of government assistance. The Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of Dependence on Government, tracks government spending, and the score is adjusted for federal programs that contribute to government assistance dependency. In 2010 the foundation reported that nearly 67.3 million Americans received Social Security, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, educational support for higher learning, or some other assistance that was once considered to be the responsibility of families, individuals, ch urches, and neighborhoods. A culture has developed within families in which welfare is reinforced and sometimes even encouraged by parents who are also receiving benefits and their children. Children also become more accepting of the idea of assistance because their parents are currently receiving welfare benefits. The goal of public policy should be reducing poverty, not just the reduction of caseloads. The plan that was implemented by former President Clinton did just that. Jobs have to be created and available before we can reduce the number of persons receiving government assistance. More often than not, when jobs are created they are low-skill jobs and do not pay enough to meet employees basic needs which results in many quitting and going back on government aid. We need more programs set up to provide training in work skills or a trade so that citizens will be able to receive wages that will easily sustain their families and encourage them to become self sufficient and non dependent on government assistance. It gives great satisfaction for a person to know that they are completely self-sufficient and can provide their family with at least its basic needs. It gives a sense of purpose and builds self-confidence that you do not have when you have to rely on the government or another person for financial help. It requires decision, determination, and discipline. Some may argue that generational poverty is determined by poor health across generations and not by observation or modeling of ones parents. However the statistics  from the changes made during the Clinton administration, give proof that the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, that works and should be reinstated. Most citizens have a desire to be successful but just don’t have the skills or self-esteem they need to accomplish these goals. Sometimes it takes a little push to get them headed in the right direction and this program seems to do just that. It provided nearly any means of assistance for individuals to become job ready. It provided assistance with transportation problems; self-esteem issues like dental work or even haircuts. Individuals were coached in interview skills and good work ethics. Many classes were provided to help assist in lifestyle and finance management changes. Individuals were encouraged to further their education and were given assistance with college enrollment applications as well. All of the qualities that are needed to preform a job to the fullest of one s ability were provided to wean recipients off of welfare. We have to reach the core understanding of why some people get stuck in a cycle of generational poverty and work on the core problem if we want long-term results. In which individuals receive jobs, perform their duties to the best of their ability and take pride in being self-sufficient. When individuals are proud of their accomplishments and are confident that they will be able to provide for themselves and their family, then we will begin to see a decline in numbers of generational welfare recipients and will be able to witness our economy grow and flourish.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Death Of A Salesman :: essays research papers

Critical Essay – Drama   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The idea that any person can rise from humble beginnings to greatness is the basis of the American Dream. Arthur Miller paints a harsh picture of this ideal in the drama Death of a Salesman. The main character, Willy Loman, is a complex and tragic figure. He is a man striving to hold onto what dignity he has left in a world that no longer values the beliefs he grew up with. While society can be blamed for much of Willy’s misfortune, he must also be blamed for his bad judgement, disloyalty and his foolish pride.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Willy Loman’s own delusions are a result of his failure to succeed in life. He still believes he is popular, respected and good-looking. But at age sixty-three, he is none of those. When presented with a bill he knows he cannot pay, Willy convinces himself that a sales trip to Hartford will solve his problems. He vows to his wife, “I’ll knock ‘em dead next week. I’ll go to Hartford, I’m very well liked in Hartford'; (1809). However, in those moments that he begins to realize the truth, his wife Linda while understanding his situation, supports his delusion. She says to him “…you’re the handsomest man in the world'; (1809). But the truth is being popular and good looking is not the key to success. Success is achieved through hard work and perseverance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American Dream has long turned sour for Willy. At the beginning of his life, he remembers travelling in a wagon going westward. His parents conquered the new frontier and succeeded. His brother Ben, “Walked into a jungle, and comes out, the age of twenty-one, and he’s rich'; (1811). For a while, the American Dream was alive in Willy too. He helped stake out new territories by selling his goods, his son Biff was going to a university with a scholarship and he had a home with no apartments closing in on him. But now, Willy is forced to work on commission at an old age and ultimately fired by his godson. His favored son Biff is also a hopeless dreamer, unable to hold on to a job. Willy’s “fatherly advice'; advocated “…it’s not what you do. It’s who you know and the smile on your face'; (1833). Willy’s delusions of fame and fortune infected his own life and spread to the sons he had placed such high hopes on.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Beethoven’s Life Outline

1. Intro: Composer Ludwig van Beethoven was an innovator, widening the scope of sonata, symphony, concerto, and quartet, and combining vocals and instruments in a new way. His personal life was marked by a struggle against deafness, and some of his most important works were composed during the last 10 years of his life, when he was quite unable to hear. He is an crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, a pianist, a composer who remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers. 2. Body:Family: Composer, pianist, Ludwig Van Beethoven, widely considered the greatest composer of all time, was born on or about December 16, 1770 in the city of Bonn, Germany. Although his exact date of birth is uncertain, Beethoven was baptized on December 17, 1770. Beethoven had two younger brothers who survived into adulthood, Caspar, born in 1774, and Johann, born in 1776. Beethoven's mother, Maria Magdalena van Beethoven, was a slender , genteel, and deeply moralistic woman. His mother was always described as a gentle, retiring woman, with a warm heart.Beethoven referred to her as his â€Å"best friend. † His father, Johann van Beethoven, was a mediocre court singer. Beethoven was born in a family in which his grandfather and father were musicians too. Beethoven's grandfather, Kapellmeister Ludwig van Beethoven, was Bonn's most prosperous and eminent musician, a source of endless pride for young Ludwig. After his mother’s death in 1787, Beethoven’s father lapsed deeper into alcoholism. As a result, Beethoven became responsible for his family. At home, little by little, Ludwig replaced his father.His father Johann, often under the influence of drink, was less and less capable of keeping up his role at the court. The young Beethoven felt responsible for his two younger brothers Carrer: Beethoven’s talent was obvious at young age. His first music teacher was his father. Although tradition has it that Johann van Beethoven was a harsh instructor, and that the child Beethoven, â€Å"made to stand at the keyboard, was often in tears†. He studied the violin and clavier with his father as well as taking additional lessons from organists around town. The musical and teaching talents of Johann were limited.Soon Ludwig learned music, notably the organ and composition by renowned musicians, such as Gottlob Neefe. Neefe recognized how extraordinarily talented Beethoven was, introduced Beethoven to Bach (also a . And at the age of twelve Beethoven published his first composition, a set of piano variations on a theme by an obscure classical composer named Dressler. In 1784, Neefe also recommended 14-year-old Beethoven be the organist of the court of Maximillian Franz. This post enabled him to frequent new circles, other than those of his father and friends of his family.In 1787 the court decided to send Beethoven to Vienna to study with Mozart. Howevever, only few weeks af ter arriving in Vienna, Beethoven learnt that his mother had fallen desperately ill, he rushed home to Bonn. After his mother’s death, Beethoven remained in Bonn and continued to carve out his reputation as the city's most promising young court musician. In 1792, Beethoven backed to Vienna to establish his career. From 1790 to 1792, Beethoven composed a significant number of works that demonstrated his growing range and maturity. By 1793, Beethoven established a reputation as an improviser in the salons of the nobility.In that year, he had also established a reputation in Vienna as a piano virtuoso. Loss of hearing, illness and death Around 1796, by the age of 26, his hearing began to deteriorate, yet he continued to compose, conduct, and perform, even after becoming completely deaf. The cause of Beethoven's deafness is unknown, probably because of even his habit of immersing his head in cold water to stay awake. In 1802, he wrote a famous text which expressed his disgust at the unfairness of life, that he, a musician, could become deaf was something he did not want to live through.Almost miraculously, despite his rapidly progressing deafness, Beethoven continued to compose at a furious pace. The most famous masterpieces in this period of time is symphonies No. 3-8, the â€Å"Moonlight Sonata,† the â€Å"Kreutzer† violin sonata and Fidelio, his only opera. Despite his extraordinary output of beautiful music, Beethoven was lonely and frequently miserable throughout his adult life. Short-tempered, absent-minded, greedy and suspicious to the point of paranoia, Beethoven feuded with his brothers, his publishers, his housekeepers, his pupils and his patrons.By 1814, Beethoven was almost totally deaf. In 1826, Beethoven caught cold, The illness complicated other health problems from which Beethoven had suffered all his life. He passed away encircled by his closest friends on March 26th 1827, just as a storm broke out. Beethoven died on 26 March 1827 at the age of 56 during a thunderstorm. Beethoven's funeral procession on 29 March 1827 was attended by an estimated 20,000 Viennese citizens. Music: Beethoven is acknowledged as one of the giants of classical music. His influence on subsequent generations of composers was profound.His work comprises more than 650 compositions. Beethoven composed in several musical genres. His works for symphony orchestra include nine symphonies, and about a dozen pieces of â€Å"occasional† music, seven concerti and only one for opera. His large body of compositions for piano includes 32 piano sonatas, 10 violin sonatas, 5 cello sonatas. Beethoven's compositional career is usually divided into Early, Middle, and Late periods. In this scheme, his early period is taken to last until about 1802, the middle period from about 1803 to about 1814, and the late period from about 1815.In his Early period, Beethoven's work was strongly influenced by his predecessors Haydn and Mozart. He also expl ored new directions and gradually expanded the scope and ambition of his work. Some important pieces from the Early period are the first and second symphonies, the set of six string quartets Opus 18, the first two piano concertos, and the first dozen or so piano sonatas, including the famous sonata, Op. 13 His Middle (Heroic) period began shortly after Beethoven's personal crisis brought on by his recognition of encroaching deafness.It includes large-scale works that express heroism and struggle. Middle-period works include six symphonies (Nos. 3–8), the last three piano concertos, the Triple Concerto and violin concerto, five string quartets (Nos. 7–11), several piano sonatas (including the Moonlight, Waldstein and Appassionata sonatas), the Kreutzer violin sonata and Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio. Beethoven's Late period began around 1815. Works from this period are characterised by their intellectual depth, their formal innovations, and their intense, highly perso nal expression.The Ninth Symphony is his last work. His famous work: Symphony No5 (Fate), Symphony No3, Symphony No9 (written when Beethoven was completely deaf), Moonlight Sonata, Fur Elise, †¦. 3. Conclusion Beethoven was one of the most famous and influential of all composers. He is in memory of everybody. The Beethoven Monumeny, Bonn, was umveiled where he was born in August 1845, in honour of his 75th anniversary. A statue to Mozart had been unveiled in Salzburg, Austria in 1842. People all over the world consider him as the giant of classical music.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Gender Inequalities Of Sports And Gender Inequality

Gender Inequalities in Sport Men throughout history have been the dominant gender, from the times of hunting with stone weapons to the modern day metal and automated machines. Many negative connotations are thought of when comparing women to men like strength, but less so when comparing men to women. Is it the society’s view that women are weaker than men or is it a natural fact brought to light? In sports women experience many prejudices, but even so some sports are equal or even female dominant. However the sheer majority lie in the male dominated section leaving women feeling oppressed and as if they have unequal rights, and they mostly do. Some instances of women oppression or unequal rights in sport belong to the sponsorships they receive, the effect media plays on children and women and also the history of sport and of gender inequality itself. The physical make up of each gender also effects stereotyping and how people perceive each gender. Gender inequality is a hot political issue today and inequality itself has been prevalent in sport throughout its history. The inventor of the modern Olympics, Pierre de Coubertin, created the Olympics with the mindset that women should not be allowed to compete but only spectate. Today women do compete just like men do and many women excel in sports that men can’t do well in and vice versa. Gender inequality has been, in large, a major part of society since the beginning. Men would always rule the country and the household. WomenShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality : Sports And Sports1930 Words   |  8 PagesHumberto Lamas 6/10/16 Professor Callaci Eng 1A Gender Inequality in Sports It is now 2016 and sports play an enormous part in the U.S. culture. According to Youth Sports Statistics 36,000,000 kids aged 5-18 take play organized sports each year. Sports will continue to grow especially because of today’s advancements in technology. 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