Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Journey Essay - 1080 Words

Connecting people with their heritage is very important, it gives people a sense of their true identity, exploring and learning about their culture and giving them some pride of where they come from. My parents started to plan this trip many months prior. Before going, my family and I had to get these antibiotic shots to protect us from any diseases at Nigeria. I remember getting multiple shots to my shoulder areas; couldnt feel my shoulders for days. My cousins and parents also arranged to take the same flight as they were planning to go to Nigeria as well. My dad wrote a letter to me and my sisters teacher explaining the reason for our absences from school as ware were going to miss almost 2 weeks of class. The day finally arrived On†¦show more content†¦Another downside was that in Nigeria for some reason the power goes out very frequently, so frequently that many buildings and houses had their own generators. in We stayed at a hotel for the night then the next morning v isited my dads home village first. My Grandfather from my fathers side was the head of the village so we got to stay in a big house but the house barely had any furniture and was very dusty since no one actually lived in there as my grandparents lived somewhere different. While I was there I met a lot of cousins I didnt even know I had as well as seeing some of my fathers relatives for the first time. We ate a lot of Farina or â€Å"fufu† which is pretty much the main dish of not just Nigeria but other African countries as well. Its white sticky starch that you take pieces of and dip it into the soup which is made out of various types of vegetables mixed with different spices cooked in the pot. You can choose to make the soup thick of more watery. We stayed in my dad’s home village for a couple of days then went to my grandparents house on my moms side. My moms home community was more similar to a suburban type area than a traditional village as there were better-struc tured homes. While I was at my grandparents house from my moms side, my moms siblings came over to visit as well. It was pretty cool that my grandparents had 2 sets of twins:Show MoreRelatedMy Life My Journey Essay3133 Words   |  13 Pageswere seen through a child’s eyes that has made me the person that I am today and I will always have those memory’s with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student. 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