Saturday, December 28, 2019

Antisocial Personality Disorder And Incarcerated Individuals

Antisocial Personality Disorder and Incarcerated Individuals Long-term patterns of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others are qualities that are often related to criminal behavior. This is a mental condition that is defined as Antisocial Personality Disorder by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Antisocial Personality Disorder, or otherwise known as ASPD, is a disorder that fits into two essential categories: psychopathy and sociopathy. ASPD can be caused by many deformations within the brain, these deformations can be caused by a number of outside influences including child abuse and parental neglect. With this in mind, psychopathy and sociopathy are two different forms of this very severe mental disorder. Not†¦show more content†¦Those who suffer from this also have many other issues as well. â€Å"The disorder is associated with significant psychosocial impairment, depression, substance misuse, and domestic violence; suicide is an all too common outcome† (Black, 114). Those who suffer from ASPD are c ommonly considered societies rule breakers. Children who lie, steal, and bully others, as well as adults who abuse their partners or children, sometimes ending up with criminal charges. The personality traits of those with ASPD can vary from one person to another, but the brain chemistry of ASPD is similar throughout all the patients. When the PCL-R is used as a screening tool, it â€Å"was possible to find that psychopaths have reduced gray matter in their frontal lobes, increased striatal volume, abnormal asymmetry in the hippocampus, a larger corpus callosum, a lack of structural integrity in the uncinate fasciculus, abnormal activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, and deformations within the amygdala† (Pemment, 2). Gray matter in the frontal lobe of the brain controls your decision making, and thought processing. Psychopaths have a reduced amount of gray matter that makes them less able to evaluate possible rewards and consequences. Introspection is also dependent on h ow much gray matter you have, the more gray matter, the more introspective you are, thus allowing you to be more self aware of your thinking. Keeping in

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Principles And Practices Of Differential Diagnosis Of...

â€Å"A disorder in bilinguals is not caused by bilingualism or cured by monolingualism† (Kohnert, 2013). A common misconception about bilingual children is that the acquisition of subsequent languages causes or exacerbates a speech sound disorder. I intended to prove that this is not the case. In order to do this I will firstly clarify the principles and practices of differential diagnosis of Speech Sound Disorders and the possible models used. I then intend to compare and contrast monolingualism and bilingualism with reference to Speech Sound disorders. Throughout, I will relate the information back to Jane and the data provided before finally discussing possible assessments for Jane. What is a Speech Sound Disorder? There is a myriad of definitions and ways to describe disordered speech. To put it simply; speech is the physical production of sounds through a series of air pressure waves in the vocal tract. A disorder is a difficulty or the â€Å"manner in which speech is not found in typically developing children† (Pert Stow, 2015). The term ‘Speech Sound Disorder’ is very much a generic label. It encompasses a heterogeneous population including children whose speech is intelligible but may have a lisp. It also includes those whose speech is incomprehensible due to omissions and substitutions of certain phonemes and people born with anatomical abnormalities such as cleft palate. (Dodd, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Children With Speech Disorder, 2005) These are just aShow MoreRelatedOcd - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment131367 Words   |  526 Pagesindividual purchasers of this book nonassignable permission to reproduce the appendices of this book. This license is limited to you, the individual purchaser, for use with your own clients and patients. It does not extend to additional clinicians or practice settings, nor does purchase by an institution constitute a site license. This license does not grant the right to reproduce these materials for resale, redistribution, or any other purposes (including but not limited to books, pamphlets, articlesRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages mymanagementlab is an online assessment and preparation solution for courses in Principles of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Read MoreHigh School Student Essay20272 Words   |  82 Pagesmanagement and motivation problems, truancy, and high dropout rates are symptoms of this conflict. Cultural attitudes and values can also complement school learning. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Double Indemnity Essay Example For Students

Double Indemnity Essay Double IndemnityBefore I start my paper I would just like to say that it was the best film yet! In this movie Walter Neff went through a huge transformation. He went through one that would change his life dramatically. Walter Neff at the start of the film was an honest hard working man. He spent eleven years selling insurance and loved every minute of it for the most part. While Walter was going through his papers he must of noticed that Mr. Dietricsons auto insurance had run out. After trying to contact him several times he decided to drive over to the house. As he stood in the door way there she was, a beautiful blonde standing in a towel. This was the beginning of his problems. The two sat down in the living room where they went over the insurance. Eventually, Walter started to hit on her, but that didnt last to long. Mrs. Dietrichson said that it would be better if he cam back another day to settle the insurance problem when her husband was around. Walter returned to his office and a message was left from Mrs. Dietrichson asking if he could come by tomorrow afternoon. This is where her plan went into action. Mrs. Dietrichson flirted with Walter and acted like she had feelings for him. After the y see each other a few times Mrs. Dietrichson talks about how she is hit and how she wishes her husband were dead so that Walter and she could be together. Since Walter was an insurance sales man he knew a lot about the business and cases. Walter planed out a perfect death that could never be considered murder. He would kill Mr. Dietrichson before his trip on the train. Then he would have Mrs. Dietrichson meet him down the tracks where he will jump off. Quickly Mr. Dietrichsons body will be placed on the tracks to make it seem like he fell off and died. This went very smoothly except for one thing a man was sitting in the back of the train before he jumped off so there was a witness. Mrs. Dietrichson manipulated Walter just so she may be able to get rid of her husband and get a lump sum of money. She caused Walters death and her own just so she could have some money. Walter went from a simple man to a felon. He was blinded by the good looks of Mrs. Dietrichson and did not realize what he was getting into. He ended up having to kill two people just because of one selfish wench. This film shows us that its is human nature for a man to long for a woman and that some of us will do anything to get her.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Role Of Quantity Surveyor Construction Essay Example For Students

Role Of Quantity Surveyor Construction Essay Outline1 Introduction2 Preliminary Cost Advise3 Cost Planning during the design phase4 Procurement Advice5 Documents Preparation ( Tender and Bills of Quantities )6 Choice of Contractor7 Negotiation8 Valuing work9 Colony of contractual claim10 Fiscal Statement11 Preparation of Final Account12 Preparation of Bills of Measures13 Cost Planning during the building phase14 Negotiation15 Comparison of cost16 Documents Preparation ( Sub-contract and run intoing study )17 Making application to the designer or applied scientist for fluctuation order18 Interim rating and payments19 Final history readying20 Whole life bing21 Value Management22 Hazard Analysis23 Expert informant24 Private or Public Quantity Surveyor25 Contractor s Quantity Surveyor Introduction The name measure surveyor conjures up a assortment of different images in people s imaginativenesss. For some, the term measure surveyor is an antique rubric from the yesteryear. It surely no longer accurately describes the responsibilities that are performed. When the term was foremost applied to the profession, the work of the Q.S. was immensely different to that now being carried out and anticipated in the 21st century. A Quantity Surveyor ( QS ) is a professional which is basically building comptroller who manages the fiscal costs and contracts within building industry. A Quantity Surveyor is involved in four chief countries of work in building industry which are constructing work such as residential lodging and industrial developments, constructing technology services such as lift services and others where premier cost amounts are to be included in the measures of measures, civil technology such as substructure building undertakings, and heavy and industrial technology such as onshore and seaward oil and gas and petrol-chemicals. ( Yeaw, 2008 ) Measure surveyors deal with a broad assortment of people including clients, designers, design applied scientists, building directors, applied scientists, contrivers, calculators, provider, attorneies and purchasers. As edifice work increased in volume and complexness, there are a batch of sectors recognised the advantage of using and independent measure surveyor to fix an accurate measure of measures, and step and value any fluctuation during the advancement of work. ( Seeley, 1997 ) Today, measure surveyors are besides being appointed as a undertaking director to take control of the undertaking from origin to completion and to organize the work of the design squad and the chief contractor and subcontractor. ( Seeley, 1997 ) They can happen employment in assorted countries such as belongings studies for concealed defects on behalf of possible buyers, running estates, valuing the mineral sedimentations for excavation companies, selling belongings and even Leasehold Reform Act work. The functions of Quantity Surveyor will change depending on his function either within the client s adviser or the contractor. Role of Private or Public Quantity Surveyor The Quantity Surveyor who works in private or public sector is an of import member of the design squad. The function of QS includes: Preliminary Cost Advise The QS is an expert in cost assessment. He/She gives practical advice on the likely cost of the strategy from the origin of a new undertaking. Besides that, he besides advises on the comparative costs of alternate layouts, stuffs, constituents and methods of building. Cost Planning during the design phase The QS will fix a realistic budget and a cost program demoing the distribution of cost for each component one time the employer s brief is done. ( Seeley, 1997 ) Cost planning during the design phase of the undertaking is to guarantee the client obtain the best possible value of his money including added value to his belongings plus, sooner holding respect to entire costs utilizing life rhythm bing technique so that the costs are distributed in the most realistic manner and the contract amount is kept within the client s budget. Approximate estimation of the initial costs of edifice are prepared utilizing feasibleness or conceptual estimating which are individual monetary value methods of gauging. ( Seeley and Winfield, 1999 ) When the budget and cost program were acceptable to the client so the design was developed by the designer. Procurement Advice The QS in design squad has a responsibility to advice the client on the most appropriate signifier of constructing procurance based on the type of undertaking, quality of edifice, velocity of building, allotment of hazard and monetary value certainty. ( Seeley and Winfield, 1999 ) There are Numberss of procurance methods utilizing in United Kingdom. For illustration, traditional method is to negociate stamps with a individual contractor and design and physique method is where the contractor undertakes the whole undertaking of design and building. ( Seeley, 1997 ) Documents Preparation ( Tender and Bills of Quantities ) The QS will necessitate to fix stamp papers in the tendering phase and Bill of Quantities is a portion of stamp papers. Measurement and quantification are required to supply a complete Bill of Quantities. ( BQ ) BQ translates the drawings, agendas and specification notes produced by interior decorators into a papers listing in item all the constituents parts required for the undertaking to enable all contractors to cipher his stamp monetary values in same measures. ( Seeley, 1997 ) Choice of Contractor The QS provides Frank, sound and practical advice on contractor choice. QS will based on the industrial dealingss record, past public presentation in run intoing standard, clip mark and the quality of direction and so do recommendations to the employer on the brand up of the choice list. ( Seeley, 1997 ) Sex Education Messages in the Media EssayInterim rating and payments QS will fix interim bing to client s QS so that the contractor can determine of his fiscal place and do appropriate action taken when necessary. ( Seeley, 1997 ) Contractor s QS is responsible for looking after the fiscal involvement of the contractor and work in concurrence with private pattern on the readying of interim payments. ( Ashworth and Hogg, 2007 ) Final history readying QS will piecing informations for the concluding history from the start of the contract to guarantee that it will be completed in all its facets and to give the contractor his proper entitlement under the contract. ( Seeley, 1997 ) Other functions of Quantity Surveyor Ashworth and Hogg ( 2007, pg9 ) write In response to the possible death of measures of measures, measure surveyors began researching new possible functions for their services. The evolved functions of Quantity Surveyor are: Whole life bing The significance of whole life costing is defined by the Ashworth and Hogg who refer to the Construction Best Practice Programme 1998 ( 2007, pg146 ) write that the systematic consideration of all relevant costs and grosss associated with the acquisition and ownership of an plus . All the costs associated with assorted options for a undertaking are added together to stand for a entire cost. Future costs are discounted to a present twenty-four hours value. The QS provides the whole life bing to the clients based on the initial cost such as design and building costs and future cost such as rental and care cost to give an accent on a whole or entire cost attack undertaken during the acquisition of a capital cost undertaking or plus instead than simply concentrating on the initial capital costs entirely. ( Ashworth and Hogg, 2007 ) Value Management Value direction is a specialist country. It is of import to the success of undertakings in supplying the foundation for bettering value for money in building. Clients are by and large wanted higher choice edifices at lower monetary values and which were produced more rapidly. QS involves in value direction will analyze a strategic job that a company may confront before the determination to construct a edifice. He besides uses the value direction cognition to obtain a decrease in building costs. ( Ashworth and Hogg, 2007 ) Hazard Analysis Nowadays, most of the dedicated undertaking director has a measure appraising background. Amongst all client advisers, QS is the most suitable and motivated toward the direction of hazard. Sometimes, hazard may impact an estimation. So, the QS will necessitate to measure the chance and extent of the consequence. The QS evolved the hazard analysis to command the happening and impact of hazard factors and provides clients with better information upon which to do determination. ( Ashworth and Hogg, 2007 ) Expert informant The QS besides can go an arbiter today. He frequently called upon to move as adept informant in regard of a broad assortment of edifice differences due to he has the cognition of the edifice contract. As an expert informant, the QS demand to bring forth a cogent evidence of grounds covering all his intended grounds. ( Seeley, 1997 ) Decision The traditional functions of Quantity Surveyor can be classified into private or public Quantity Surveyor and contractor s Quantity Surveyor. The tabular array below shows the sum-up of the functions of Quantity Surveyor in different working sectors. Private or Public Quantity Surveyor Contractor s Quantity Surveyor Provide preliminary cost advise Prepare Bills of Quantities during tendering Prepare cost planning during the design phase Prepare cost planning during the building phase Advice client for different procurance method Prepare stamp papers and Bills of Measures Prepare sub-contract and run intoing study Choose the best contractor to make the work Negociate the pricing rate with the contractor Negociate the material monetary value and building cost with the provider and the sub-contractor Value the work done by contractor Compare the cost provided by provider and sub-contractor. Colony of contractual claim Make application to the designer or applied scientist for fluctuation order Prepare fiscal statement Prepare interim rating and payment Prepare concluding History Prepare concluding history Presents, the debut of computerised systems for fixing BQ makes Quantity Surveyor s patterns become really nervous. The traditional functions of Quantity Surveyor are non plenty for QS to last in building industry because it is going to take over by engineering. So, in these few old ages, QS are seeking to germinate their functions in building industry. They become project directors, value directors, expert informant to supply whole life costing, value direction, hazard analysis, a prove of grounds in edifice differences and so on to employers. The QS still have a batch of development infinites in building industry. It will neer be ended up and replaced by others. As QS in the hereafter, I wo nt worry about the unemployment because it seems to be good in the economical crisis at 2007. I ever believe that QS occupation is a Quite Smart occupation in the building industry and has a good hereafter. ( Sum: 2418 words )

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Williams 1 Essays - Literary Criticism, New Criticism, Aesthetics

Williams 1 Connie Williams Professor Carroll May 26, 2000 The Beginning's of Literary Study - For Dummies J A Modified Version of R. L. McGuire's Passionate Attention: an introduction to literary study. Literature and criticism Authors basic assumption of a book- the reading and the study of literature cannot and do not take place outside the context of human values. One's unique personal experiences are from whence their values are formed. These values come to light as a reader reads or a writer writes. Literature is a record of specific personal perceptions: H. Read-the outer image of inward things. Literature proves the richness not the limitations of being human. Literary criticism is discernment-the ability to see. The student needs to form their own critical criteria and offer an interpretation of the work based on those criteria. Judgmental reviewing is narrow and only one aspect of literary criticism. The value of criticism is not that it lays down laws that any reader must follow, but that it offers a new way of seeing a literary work, which may not have been possible to the reader. For example in the critical analysis of a poem the reader might look for the connections between words, stanzas, structure and ideas. The four basic approaches to literary criticism are: 1) the mimetic 2) the pragmatic 3) the expressive 4) the objective Mimetic approach- describes the relationship of the literary work to the world or the universe in which the work was conceived or being read. Pragmatic approach- describes the effects of the work on its audience. Williams 2 Expressive approach- proposes the study of the relationship of the work to the writer: biographical, psychological, history, culture. Objective approach- is that which studies the work in and for itself without reference to the world in which it exists, its effect on its readers, or the works relationship to the author. The work for itself Objective criticism- the study of a literary work is done without reference to the mimetic, pragmatic, or expressive possibilities of interpretation. This type of criticism regards the literary work as an object in and for itself because it is art and the work of an individual artist. The literary work is a craft, a constructed pattern of words, and the basis for our speculations, for its truth, its revelation, and its power. Descriptive Critical Activities- seeks primarily to describe a text. It is the approach to the work for itself in its simplest form. It is employed on revisions, editions, and on the finished version. Concern lies with the resulting product and its theme or central idea. Generic criticism- study of the work for itself, the types of literature this criticism employs is poems, novels, and plays. The study of poetics or prosody is the learning of basic metrical patterns and verbal effects: iambic, tetrameter, couplets, alliteration, rhyme, etc.... This type of study serves to remind us of a vital aspect of the writers' art. The writer is a craftsman of sound and effect as well as ideas. Keep in mind that writers can be conventional or unconventional. Thematic approach- attempts to bring the various aspects of form as well as content together to make a statement about the subject of a work. It may also concern itself with the message or moral of that work. Unity- if a literary work can generate its own meaning by virtue of its internal coherence, then a critical method can concern itself with that esthetic universe. Unity of Theme- all of the work is about the same topic. Unity of Imagery- all the images contribute to the same general vision, implication, theme, or central image. Williams 3 Unity of Tone & Form- the parts of the work fit together and support each other. According to Coleridge, But if the definition sought for be that of legitimate poem, I answer, it must be one, the parts of which mutually support and explain each other; all in their proportion harmonizing with, and supporting the purpose and known influences of metrical arrangement. . .(McGuire 22). New criticism- shows interconnections with emphasis on the work. Mimetic-Mimesis-Imitation Mimetic criticism- is that which asks how a literary work is important to any of the worlds to which it is related. The best place to begin a survey of mimetic approaches is with the connection between the work and the time in which it was written. Guideline 1) discover the extent of the departure or conformity

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Closer Look into Healthcare Spending Essay Example

A Closer Look into Healthcare Spending Essay Example A Closer Look into Healthcare Spending Paper A Closer Look into Healthcare Spending Paper More and more, the rising expenditure in healthcare is getting a closer long-overdue attention from both the American public and the policymakers in Washington. The glaring disparity between US spending on healthcare which stands at sixteen percent (16%) of the GDP as against other industrialized nations which only average between eight to ten percent (8 10%) of their GDP says a lot about the need for an overhaul of the existing policies and systems at work. Moreover, According to a recent report released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or CMS, the healthcare expenditure in 2006 was estimated at $2.16 Trillion and is projected to reach over $4 Trillion per annum by 2016 [1]. If this is computed at individual spending, it would cost an average of $7,110 for the year 2006. The projected aggregated increase in spending would mean that about $12,320 per person per annum will be spent by 2016 [1]. These issues on the unabated rise of health care expenditure warrants a closer look not only into the spending itself but more on how it is being spent and the efficiency and quality by which healthcare is being delivered. Clearly, in comparison with other developed countries, the US healthcare system spends more but not necessarily delivers it more efficiently nor is the quality of care above and over what the other developed nations have as iterated in the position paper published by the Commonwealth Fund (Davis, K., et. al. Jan. 2007) . In fact, if we look closely into the CMS reports on how these monies were being spent, hospital care comprise of thirty percent of the total expenditure, twenty percent went into Physician and other clinical services, Nursing homecare at six percent, Prescription drugs at ten percent, Program administration and Net Cost at seven percent and twenty five percent went to other cost like dental services, home health, durable medical products, sundries, other personal health care, research, structures and equipment [CMS, 2005 Report]. Closely related to the topic of spending is where the monies to pay for these expenditures came from.   According to the same report from CMS, National Health Statistics Group, the biggest portion came from the Private Insurance group at 35%, Medicare came next with 17%, Medicaid and SCHIP at 16%, Out of Pocket expenses (or from individuals at 13%, Other public funds at 13% (Public meaning Worker’s Compensation program. Public Health Activity, Department of Defense, Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Indian Health Services, State and local health subsidies and school health subsidies), Other Private funds at 7% (Other private funds include industrial in-plant, privately funded construction and non-patient revenues including philanthropy from private parties. Given the above most recent data, several studies both government and private sector initiatives have submitted and made public their position on the issue.   One such position was from the Commonwealth Fund Group, whose authors include Karen Davis, Ph.D., Cathy Schoen, M.S., Stuart Guterman et. al.   In their position paper, the group also sourced their references from the CMS [5] and zeroed in on two possible areas where cost cutting measures can be made. These two areas focused on one time savings and the other on a more long term and recurring basis.   The one time savings can apparently be derived from â€Å"high levels of U.S. expenditures, inefficiency and waste†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ [K. Davis, Jan. 2007]. Among these â€Å"inefficiencies† were the apparent â€Å"overuse, inappropriate, or ineffective uses of care;   payment incentives that reward the delivery of more services, without consideration to clinical value or cost-effectiveness; market power of insurers, providers, and the health industry, including pharmaceutical companies, device manufacturers, and other suppliers to set prices above competitive market levels; a low ratio of primary to specialty care physicians and services; access barriers to preventive and primary care that contribute to avoidable hospital admissions, emergency department use, and complications of chronic and acute disease; a lack of well-coordinated care that leads to unsafe. D uplicative, or conflicting care; inadequate information systems and information exchange; and High administrative costs, including the high proportion of insurance premiums used to cover overhead costs, the complexity of insurance benefit design and duplicative and uncoordinated requirements, and administrative costs for providers† (K. Davis, et. al.   Jan. 2007). The group further stated strategies could be geared towards making substantial savings that could accumulate to $1.39 Trillion (over an eight year period from 2007 to 2015) if a one-time reduction of 5% in health care expenditures can be effected.   Specific areas were recommended that could well provide the strategies that everyone from the public to the private sector is looking for. These areas are concentrated on the following: first is the provision of more access to information about health providers and cost to give more options to the paying public and promote greater competition among providers, thus increasing quality of care provision over a period of time. Second is an across the board reduction of administrative cost for insurers for them to extend the savings to their clients. Third is the re-focusing of resources into primary and preventive care instead of palliative health care. Fourth is the re-allocation of resources into information technology infrastructures and exchange of information for the greater benefit of the public. Lastly, and fifth, to put investments into strategic areas to ensure access, affordability and equity for all Americans. I tend to agree to the recommendations of the group over the other studies and recommendations that I went through.   Although for sure, these recommendations need further detailed planning and further studies to substantiate the claims and conclusions. Overall, the same sources of funds as cited by the CMS would have to shell out the same level of resources for a period of time until the recommendations outline for cost cutting and more effective means of healthcare delivery system will have been in place.   A projection or timetable of five to seven years may be more feasible for both further study and a detailed manual of operationalization can be in effect. For the meantime, however, both the government at all levels – federal, state and local should be responsive to the calls for changes and heed the transformation doctrine once it is passed by legislation and put into place.   Furthermore, a call for uniformity of enforcement at the local levels should be ensured to avoid the pitfalls of having a huge disparity of healthcare cross in different parts of the country.. References: [1] Centers for Medicare and Medical Healthcare Benefits. Various reports including   Ã‚  Ã‚   Projections for Health expenditure Projections from 2005 to 2016. From: [2] Snapshots: Health Care Growth (Kaiser Permanente). Retrieved on Feb. 23, 2007, [3] Medical Expenditure†¦ Retrieved on Feb. 23, 2007, From: [4] SAMSHA reports. Retrieved on Feb. 23, 2007. From: [5] The Commonwealth Fund website: Retrieved on Feb. 23, 2007, From:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

This paper presents the case study analysis of Charles Schwab Analysis Assignment - 1

Analysis of Charles Schwab and Zara - Assignment Example The first solution involved potentially granting customers complete access to the organization’s services, while at the same time offering a 20% discount on trades. The second solution involved granting customers an even greater discount on trades, but at the same time curtailing the services provided. The major dilemma was whether it was worth sacrificing service for price discounts. Another prominent consideration was challenged from outside organizations. A lot of discount brokerages emerged that challenged Schwab’s position as one of the preeminent stock traders. In response to these challenges, the organization was to work towards differentiating itself through innovative product design and services. The main backbone of this innovation was rooted in technology that, â€Å"to both generate productivity improvements and to develop superior customer service† (‘Charles Schwab Corporation.’ 2001, p. 3). As such, a multi-channel strategy was implemen ted. Still, the organization was faced with further questions of whether to expand deeper into Internet trading. While organizations such as E*Trade had been coming on strong, Schwab recognized that they retained significant portions of the market. These considerations factored into whether the organization should assume a lower pricing strategy per trade or if they should continue with the traditional model of business based heavily on attention to service. In the second case analysis, the company under consideration is Zara. There are a number of key issues facing this organization. Zara is recognized as the chain of stores of the main organization Inditex. One of the main issues facing Zara specifically is whether the point-of-sale (POS) terminals should be upgraded. One of the negative aspects of the current point-of-sale (POS) terminals is that they run on DOS.