Friday, December 20, 2019

The Principles And Practices Of Differential Diagnosis Of...

â€Å"A disorder in bilinguals is not caused by bilingualism or cured by monolingualism† (Kohnert, 2013). A common misconception about bilingual children is that the acquisition of subsequent languages causes or exacerbates a speech sound disorder. I intended to prove that this is not the case. In order to do this I will firstly clarify the principles and practices of differential diagnosis of Speech Sound Disorders and the possible models used. I then intend to compare and contrast monolingualism and bilingualism with reference to Speech Sound disorders. Throughout, I will relate the information back to Jane and the data provided before finally discussing possible assessments for Jane. What is a Speech Sound Disorder? There is a myriad of definitions and ways to describe disordered speech. To put it simply; speech is the physical production of sounds through a series of air pressure waves in the vocal tract. A disorder is a difficulty or the â€Å"manner in which speech is not found in typically developing children† (Pert Stow, 2015). The term ‘Speech Sound Disorder’ is very much a generic label. It encompasses a heterogeneous population including children whose speech is intelligible but may have a lisp. It also includes those whose speech is incomprehensible due to omissions and substitutions of certain phonemes and people born with anatomical abnormalities such as cleft palate. (Dodd, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Children With Speech Disorder, 2005) These are just aShow MoreRelatedOcd - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment131367 Words   |  526 Pagesindividual purchasers of this book nonassignable permission to reproduce the appendices of this book. This license is limited to you, the individual purchaser, for use with your own clients and patients. It does not extend to additional clinicians or practice settings, nor does purchase by an institution constitute a site license. 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